6th April 2021
The Town Website was separated from the Town Council website in 2021.
It has a new address, burnhamoncrouch.uk.
The Town Council website now resides on burnhamoncrouchtowncouncil.gov.uk
Both websites have been created by Mark Eagling.
Nick Skeens created the content for the town website and oversaw its design.
At a meeting in early 2021 the Town Council agreed to divide burnham.info into two sites, one for the council and one for the town.
The new Town Website will continue to run news items, link to social media, develop its historical pages, local character pages and update its information about the town. It will remain an archive for photography of town events such as Quay Day, Burnham Week, etc.
Searches using burnham.info now take readers to the town council website. There is a link to the Town Website on the town council’s front page.