Hanging Baskets
During most years, Burnham on Crouch Town Council works in partnership with Ormiston Rivers Academy Garden Project and the Maldon District Council Parks and Open Spaces Department to produce hanging baskets to provide blooms in Burnham throughout the summer.
The students produce 75 hanging baskets which are purchased by local businesses, retailers and residents in Station Road and the High Street and hung out by a team of volunteers in June each year.
Burnham in Bloom Competition
Britain in Bloom is an annual competition organised by the Royal Horticultural Society with over 1,000 entries from towns and villages throughout England and Wales.
Burnham on Crouch has its own version of Britain in Bloom with judging taking place on June/July.
Categories include:
- Best front garden
- Best back garden
- Best container
- Best school garden
- Best street or part of a street
- Best commercial garden
- Best pub
- Best club
- Most bee-friendly garden
- Best hanging basket
- Best=kept allotment
- Best Community Pride Volunteer
- Best comunity project
- Best sunflower
- Highly commended
Entry forms and details are available from the Town Clerk at the Town Council offices in Chapel Road.
2018 winners
The ‘Best in Show’ prize for Burnham in Bloom 2018 was won by Jeremy Hogben for his High Street back garden.
The 16 prizes on offer were presented by the Town Mayor Wendy Stamp at a special reception in the Council Chamber on the evening of Friday, 20th July.
For all the results, click on the pdf below.
BTC Burnham In Bloom 2018 winners.2