BOLD is a group of volunteers campaigning to raise the money to build a swimming pool in Burnham.
BOLD stands for Burnham’s Own Leisure Development.
To contact BOLD you can use this email:
If you have Facebook, you can find out more by clicking here.
Background to BOLD
Since the 1970s, local residents have campaigned for a pool in Burnham and, following a question raised on a Facebook page about why Burnham on Crouch still doesn’t have one, some residents joined together to form BOLD.
Swim England’s Facilities Officer has said Burnham would be the ideal location for a pool to address the ‘lane shortage’ in the area.
A preliminary business case shows that a swimming pool could be run profitability in the area and the proposal was launched at the Annual Meeting of Burnham Town Council on 27th April, 2017.
The Town Council subsequently pledged their support for the project.
The District Council, despite initially encouraging feedback, have since decided that there is no suitable land available for this use.
BOLD is now in discussion with the Ormiston Rivers Academy about siting a facility at the school, a proposal which was discussed by MDC in the recent past.